Saturday, June 1, 2024

Sweet Friend for Color Hues

Hello friends!  As we enter the month of June, the Color Hues team has a new challenge for you.  This time the lovely Karen has chosen the wonderful color combo of yellow and blue.

As I was contemplating what to create for this challenge, I flipped through some panels that were previously foiled and I found one that looked stunning in cobalt blue foil and voila! my decision was made!

The foiled floral image fills a full A2 card panel, but I knew I wanted to trim it down and just color the part I would use in the portion cut out with an oval die. I then used Copics in yellow for the flowers and a light blue for the background, then the colored piece was layered on a slightly larger yellow oval.

Next a panel of white was embossed with a very subtle pattern (you can see it better in photo below) then added to a white card base.  I found some scraps of a panel that had been foiled with the same cobalt blue, so I used those for the horizontal strip and to die cut the sentiment (foil is so hard to photograph - the strip looks black on one side in each photo lol!).  After assembling everything on the card front, I found some jewels that were the perfect match and added them to finish things off.

What are you inspired to make with these wonderful colors?  We'd love to have you join us, the challenge will remain open until 9am EDT 6/14.  In the meantime, I encourage you to pop over to the challenge blog to see all the beautiful cards my super talented teammates and our guest designer Rosemary have created.

Take care!


  • Pinkfresh Studio Peony Print Hot Foil Plate
  • Spellbinders Essential Stylish Ovals dies
  • Spellbinders Cobalt Glimmer Hot Foil
  • Altenew Versatile Greetings dies
  • Stampin' Up Taseful Textile embossing folder
  • Simon Says Stamp Cool Tones Dazzling Gems
  • Copics - Y26, 18, 15, 11, B000


Marcia Hill said...

WOW...this is absolutely GORGEOUS Stef! And looks like we were somewhat on the same wavelength using the cobalt blue foil on our cards! And it is so hard to capture the shine in photos, but knowing how good it looks on mine, I can imagine that yours is shining beautifully too! Lovely, lovely card my friend!! Hugs. :0)

Karen said...

Stunning is exactly the right word to describe those florals! I don't think I've ever used a cobalt blue for foiling, but I'm filing this away for future inspiration! Your design is wonderful The embossed background is just lovely, too.

Nancy said...

This card is a real showstopper, Stef! The blue foiling and greeting are just so pretty and of course, your coloring is top-notch. The leaves look great left white! Awesome card my dear!

Lisa Elton said...

Each and every detail flows together perfectly! Pretty card, Stef!

Julie B said...

The blue foiling works perfectly with the yellow, a great choice for this pretty card. :)

Cindy Beach said...

I'm absolutely amazed at these beautiful foiled florals and your beautiful coloring! How I love this one, Stef, it's a masterpiece! The white space is a gorgeous way to let the flowers shine!

Tracey McNeely said...

Stef I think that foil die is so amazing, love your colouring and especially love that you cut it down with an oval die. I'm too chicken to do that but your turned out so wonderfully! Love love this card.

Rosemary said...

Absolutely gorgeous design! The perfectly colored yellow flowers really pop against the soft blue background. Thanks so much for the lovely comment and for having me as a guest designer.

cm said...

WOW! I second everything the previous commenters have said: your card is a show-stopping, gorgeous work of art! LOVE this!

JulieP said...

Love the hues of blue and your shading is fabulous!!!!! Love this.